Sunday, August 2, 2009


Well since that long long post will take a damn damn long time, i might as well cut it into pieces.

Some pics of my classmates...

Haha. Some hiao faces, smoochie faces n the same couple over n over again. HAHA


So now to one of the rare events that happened in my class

Story : Beginning of the year Chee Kong took Darren as his 'apprentice'. Chee Kong is also well known for his self-named KING-of-EVERYTHING and spec maths aptitude. Finally, ONE FINE DAY...during the last 30 mins of spec maths period as Mr Woon was giving back the latest test paper,

CK came back looking dejectedly at his 53 marks, saying he could not pay much time to the other questions as he spent most the time on the minor questions. He looked kinda emo...

THEN... KuoToong told me, what if Darren get higher marks?
As Darren's name get called up to take his paper from Mr Woon, we looked. Mr Woon gave Darren a small pat on the back and muttered some words which is inaudible at my position. Darren came back to his seat lookin peaky and slightly happy look. KuoToong and I quickly asked for his marks... he showed us his paper n....

WOWOWOW!!!! HAHAHA. The apprentice has defeated his PorkKing (CK)!!! HAHAHA. KT n me were so happy laughin away in at that time...

As for me...not so wonderful la my marks. But BENJAMIN the BREAKABLE.... 96 man... like that la... nvr gimme copy~~~

Oh yea my class's vid. HAHA.



The last pic... make me rmb certain things...

Thats right... the tripods of war of the worlds....

Starcraft 2 has its own tripod called the collossus.

ALRIGHT THAT's the 1st part. HAHAHAHA till nx time!

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